Maximum Population Growth
Set the maximum colonist growth rate between 1% and 20% per year. The colonists will grow at this rate only if the planet value is 100%. If the planet value is less than 100%, the colonist growth rate will fall proportionately.
For example:
If your people decide to colonize Demski, a rock with a planetary value of 15%.
Clicking on the Value in the Selection Summary pane for the planet Demski displays this popup: |
If you are immune to an environmental factor, every planet you explore will be 100% ideal for that factor. Immunity is expensive. You will have to choose many disadvantages in order to compensate and bring the advantage point value back above zero.
If you select both immunity to one or more environmental variables and the advantage of Total Terraforming, some or all of the points used to obtain the Total Terraforming advantage will be wasted.
Learn about:
Growth Conditions
Or take the next step:
Step 5: Specifying the Efficiency of Your Race.